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2 thoughts on “Extended Readings”

  1. Its always about the few in schools. Yep. The few who raise mutiny, the few who lap up our words of wisdom, and the vast majority who are there for the social scene. It is a false world created.

    I am excited for the parents who are taking education into their own hands creating pods of home schooled sheltered neighborhoods. The giant school factory model does need to change.

    And to teach a language you really need fluent speakers pumping out real life language. What is happening in the moment. That immersion is the best. Creating our own stories is next best in my mind.

  2. Kate said:

    the giant school factory model does need to change

    In my view it is full collapse right now, so much so that it isn’t about change as much as it is about total destruction. Only then will the phoenix rise.

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