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9 thoughts on “Documents for Administrators – 1”
This summer at iFLT and NTPRS I found myself using the line “…making TPRS look like school.” This echos what Laurie was discussing. I know we have views in our PLC that discuss a kind of abandonment of fitting CI into school. The analogy of square peg in a round hole comes to mind.
I agree that being upfront and honest with the natural approach in schools is best HOWEVER that is not the world that most teachers are living in. Others are not ready to rethink wha they think so we have to “scaffold” for them so that they can see what we are doing.
There are certain TPRS/CI teachers that are all over the internet with their CI materials. They make storytelling look like school. They are bridging the gap and inviting traditional teachers to make connections with SLA through their lessons, rubrics, and lesson plans.
For those of us that are into SLA advocacy in schools across the US this is important to realize. We have to continue to meet others where they are in their journey and support them with kindness.
Our 6th grade Ts had to post SWBAT like 2 administrators ago. They came up with:
Students will be able to recognize and understand key structures in context:”
then the rest was blank for the T to write in anything being circled or pointed to – even stuff that’s TPR’d. The admin- techs with their neat clipboard list can make OH! so many satisfying little checks!
Hey John, I am in a similar position, eval coming soon. Laurie has a CI version of Danielson rubric that I plan to give to my principal. I just looked for it on my computer but can’t find it right now. I will post the link when I find it.
Along the same lines of “documents for admins” does anyone have a short list of SLA facts with citations? Eric? Like what would be the top 5 SLA facts / citations? I want to send these along with some of the other primer stuff, but I know that reading thru lots of text ain’t gonna happen.
My latest strategy is to compile a few brief things to send to my curriculum director as a way to bridge toward a “Students and Stories” program. Since she is not in the middle of tsunamis and wildfires (i.e., lock downs and real life and death student crises), maybe this is the best channel for me to begin educating everyone. I just thought of this bc last week the day after my sick day, some students in my most difficult class said that the sub could not believe how much Spanish they knew in their first year. I had left them some of Eric’s speed reading stories to work with. I guess she ws impressed that kids were reading full page all-out stories! Heck yeah. So I would like to capitalize on this lil spark of positivity!
Plus yesterday in our Veteran’s Day assembly, the principal’s entire speech centered on “you can’t even talk about history with out a story.” So the timing is perfect to catch the wave of stories.
I get bogged down in detail and derailed by tangents, so that is why I would love for someone (ERic? Bueller? anyone?) to tell me the top 5-10 quick facts and whose papers they came from. I am thinking along the lines of Krashen’s hypotheses and also some of the communication stuff (sauvignon?) “internal syllabus” (can’t remember whose study that was)/ mental representation / skill stuff ( VP?)
Of course I will cite the compiler along with the research. 🙂 Thank you in advance!
Jen, if Krashen would be enough for you, I took a webpage that summarized his hypotheses and then summarized it yet more (and put it into language for my middle schoolers, at the time). It’s here: (Don’t ask me how the URL got false false false in it!) There’s a longer, more academic-sounding Summary 1 at the site. Summary 2 is below. The three quotes at the end I left unmodified & just talked with the students about what it meant (some of them were 10-year-olds). Here’s:
Summary 2: written for my younger classes
Stephen Krashen on How We Become Fluent in Another Language
Stephen Krashen is a researcher and professor at University of Southern California who has studied how people become fluent in other languages since the 1980’s.
Krashen’s theory has five main points:
That becoming fluent in a language (called acquiring a language), is quite different from learning about grammar rules;
That knowing and thinking a lot about grammar rules helps polish formal writing, but can hinder people from communicating naturally with others;
That languages each have a “Natural Order” with some aspects of the language coming more quickly than others;
That we need lots of input at just a little bit beyond what we already can understand in order to acquire more language ability;
And that if we are unmotivated, dislike the language, or feel anxious about it, our progress will be hindered.
“Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill.” Stephen Krashen
“Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language – natural communication – in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding.” Stephen Krashen
“The best methods are therefore those that supply ‘comprehensible input’ in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are ‘ready’, recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production.” Stephen Krashen
Based on:
WOwie! Thanks Diane. This is perfect. Short and sweet and comprehensible!
Jen – Bryce also has a teacher observation checklist for Admins on his website. That’s what I gave my Admins at the old job.