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2 thoughts on “Developing Threads (2013-2014) – 2”
I can’t remember if I’ve already sent this idea in. So if this is a repost sorry.
My very talented colleague Adriana RamÃrez does a movie comp. The kids get into groups of 3-4 and each group makes a mini-movie of their favorite story. They have to narrate, and they have to say the dialogue, and they have to do the whole thing. The only thing they can change is character names and locations. No changes of gender plot etc.
So the “script” is done. The fun is in them playing with the visuals, costumes, sounds etc. If two groups choose the same story, the class votes on whose version is better and that group gets their token 1% extra.
So in the 3rd and 2nd last classes of the year, Adriana is pulling her kids one by one into the hall for their one-on-one oral test. The rest of the class, meanwhile, is rapt, watching these films. They are getting free reps and being totally entertained! Then last day of class is the reading comp test and the writing test (take about a total of 1 hr 15min) so the kids have had awesome fun review.
I saw two of them and I think it’s an amazing idea: it’s fun, it’s easy, it’s free reps and it frees up the teacher. Marking is a breeze: watch 30 sec of it to determine accuracy, and have the class vote. (most of the kids’ grading of each other will be from 75-100% so it’s not a threatening assignment). Plus now you can film and edit a movie on a smartphone so most kids should be able to do it.
Anyways thanks to Adriana for this amazing idea.
Oh thank you Chris! I love this. All of it, the class voting, using the films while doing one on ones, etc. Simple and powerful and fun!