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2 thoughts on “Depression is Real – 1”
My charter school district gives us a 3 week Winter Holiday and a teacher-day (1/2 PD, 1/2 self-directed) Monday, 1/13, before students come back Tuesday, 1/14. I really think 3 weeks is needed for Winter Break. It makes a huge difference. I say this with more weight now that I have 3 kids in the house.
And that 1 PD day on Monday before kids on Tuesday also makes a huge difference. Occupying the space in my room, alone, for a couple of hours the day before kids show up is like how sports stars visualize before they play or race or perform. Plus, being in the room helps me think of the little things I need to do. They don’t come up if I’m not in the room.
One thing my school district has gotten right, thankfully!
Sean said:
…I say this with more weight now that I have 3 kids in the house….
And that is with both parents in the home. Can you imagine a single teacher who is fairly new to CI so she has that learning curve, plus all the bullshit she has to put up with at school from hostile admins, parents, students and colleagues, plus a commute, plus feeding the kids, plus rides for the kids, plus insufficient salary relative to the degree of difficulty of the job, plus maybe never having learned about forgiveness and self-care, plus being in a society now that seems to have completely been taken over by dumb shits, it all adds up to so much stress that when I think about it it kind of makes me wonder how in the heck some of us make it through one year let alone a career. The biggest stressor of all? Clueless, spoiled, rude children who call themselves students. I am going to suggest that all teachers who make it through a career in this profession get automatic nirvana or a place in heaven or however that stuff works. Being always cheerful – part of our job whether we like it of not – is a divine thing, esp. when those whom we spend our days around haven’t a clue about the importance of kindness and generosity of spirit with others, since, bless their hearts, few see those essential human traits modeled by any of the adults that they see in their young lives, since they live in a world run by the likes of people like Mitch McConnell.