COVID Prayer – 10

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8 thoughts on “COVID Prayer – 10”

  1. Interesting development: My school next year will be installing cameras in all classrooms (in case we need to socially distance and only teach kids every other day). The principal said that about 80% of schools in the area are also installing cameras in every classroom.

    Has anybody heard about this in their area?

    1. I have not heard of this yet where I teach (KCK). I doubt my school will do it, but if others in the area are, they may end up doing it. It seems superfluous. Why don’t they just make teachers record themselves? Seems like a waste of money.

  2. Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg

    Greg, I’m trying to think this through. Is the eerily Big Brother spy-cam idea that teachers teach a live half-size group (social distancing) while the rest of the class watches simultaneously from home? And then the live groups alternate? Say, 2 live days w/ group A (Mon, Wed), 2 live days w/ group B (Tu, Th), and everybody works/learns from home on Zoom on Fri?

    But then the T’s are working/exposed to all the kids live (plus all the adults) throughout the week…
    I know it’s not specifically relevant to language instruction, but I am interested in these proposed ‘schools in the era of pandemic’ models.

  3. I think we can reach the kids online. All that is needed is something we have needed for a longtime. Stop putting kids in language classes who mess it up for the others. Stop making language classes dumping grounds. We are not a core class and now with social distancing as they MIGHT set it up on alternating days, etc, – whatever they end up doing – even the distance between kids in a physical classroom will most likely have very bad results on teachers. So let’s make it work on Zoom is what I say, by taking out the negative kids, since we are an elective, then rock the house online. Then, when COVID is no longer an issue, we can get back to something resembling normalcy. August is only 3 months away.

  4. Wow, Greg. I hope I can turn off my classroom camera when I want to put my feet up and take a nap during period 6 after lunch.

    I’ll do it, Zoom teaching, begrudgingly. I would like to have at least a few live faces in the classroom. Oh, and I simply can not do it at home. I need the classroom.

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