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3 thoughts on “Classroom Management – 8”
My Professional Growth Plan, the PGP. All staff at my school need to articulate one. We’re going to include a column on this PGP called, “Envisioning results of what my class will feel like.” “I envision my classroom to feel good in the sense that students will pepper me with high spirits and playful responses on a continual basis so as to inspire me to keep the input comprehensible and compelling.”
Thanks for prompting us to articulate such a worthy goal, Ben!
Sean I like the idea of this PGP. It’s a good one: ““Envisioning results of what my class will feel like.”
But, like so much that originates in the ivory tower, they omit a most necessary part of that goal, and that is to also envision the practical steps you must do in your classroom to insure that those results happen in the right way.
Most CI teachers invite too much playfulness w/o enough ways to stop it when it becomes a wave of playfulness that washes over the classroom and destroys the classroom focus. So just be careful not to open up the playful nature of the kids too much. As you know, it’s a very fine line.
I’ll be doing a webinar on starting the year on the 22nd on the Teacher’s Discovery FB site on starting the year.
Sean in order to safeguard the process in those first days, I recommend that teachers do Card Talk then, right at the beginning of the first class (used to be Circling w Balls). There are many reasons for this, but I will touch on only a few here. For example, Card Talk keeps the kids in the straight and narrow domain of the particular card you are talking about, which keeps you narrow and deep in the TL, which is necessary as you go about in the first week the critical business of establishing firm CM (classroom management – I’m tired of writing out the term bc I’m writing a book on it right now) with supreme focus on Rule #2, and also building of community. My point is that you can’t invite playful responses in a classroom that has not been first normed properly for expected behaviors and also for the community that YOU want, not the one that they want.