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10 thoughts on “CI Liftoff”

  1. Since I’m still not sure whether I can make it to Cascadia, I will be going to see Tina at CI Mitten Conference near Ann Arbor in April.
    I have been telling my department and anyone else I meet in the T/CI world about my successes with non-targeted instruction – Ben’s OWI, Invisibles and Tina’s videos including Story Listening. When visitors come to observe (we host LOTS of visitors in our WL dept) I try to spread the word. Currently I have 12 ginormous OWIs decking out my classroom, so that gives me context and opportunity to describe the process, and provide links to more info, incl Ben’s Invisibles in India, and CI Liftoff on Youtube.
    No one went nuts opposing Ashley Hasting’s Movie Talk, (Blaine’s company created a popular resource – Look I can Movie Talk! $$) which provides a (continuous) visual prompt for extended discourse in the TL. Story listening does much of the same – in fact it was TPRS that applied all the targeting constraints onto MT, I think. In Hasting’s vision, it was non-targeted, no?
    So we have every reason to believe that T/CI folks will see NT and SL as other ways to deliver CI without all the complexity of juggling circling, PQA and other ‘classical’ strategies. We have to sensitize the crowd, and keep the research front and center, ’til it gains traction.

    Is the negativity around it because people feel their empire is threatened?

    Since I’ve only read the opposition on the more list, is the opposition only theoretical, delivered by folks who’ve not actually tried it?
    What about Terry’s argument on ‘noise?’ – Tina answered brilliantly, and that shut everyone up…
    Hopefully, more people will try it, fall in love with the ease of it, and I do believe it will eventually gain ‘legitimacy’ in the eyes and classrooms of the naysayers…
    Tina’s videos are incontrovertible.

    1. Kristen went to UGA where I also got my A.B. She wants to have Ben and me to do a workshop this summer in the NYC area. She is in CT. Maybe you guys will meet up! Nathaniel aren’t you in the Northeast too?

  2. Hi, guys,

    I’m rolling out something for upper level high school that’s ‘new to me’….it’s a little ‘Invisi-bill – y’ 🙂

    Are you all accepting proposals for Portland?


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