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14 thoughts on “Forum”
Hello, community, hi, Ben. Just got on board and have tones of questions. My first one is how to register on Forum as I haven’t had wit to find the Menu with a Forum button said in the instruction.
I’ve signed up on Gravatar, yet, I don’t get how to connect it to the PLC.
Thanks and sorry if I’m commenting it in the wrong chat box.
Alexander, there is no forum, we simply now use the comment box under blog posts.
Welcome to the best $5 a month you can ever spend on your mental health and your career!
Thanks, Greg.
Can you help me with understanding how Gavatar relates to PLC here: has it been connected automatically once I created it on WordPress?
Thank you for your response anyway.
Alexander, with Greg I also extend a warm welcome and yes what Greg said is accurate – the Forum is no longer used. Also, I’m about to launch a new version of my website, since this format is 15 years old. That means that I’ll remove outdated stuff like the Forum links and all.
I will also contact my web design guy and ask about the gravatar question.
If I may ask, are you in the U.S. or abroad? We have another member from Kazakhstan and I feel moved when I think that we are discussing things that unite people (languages) not just in the U.S but also around the world. It’s time for that. Also, my mother is Russian.
Right, I’m in Moscow, Russia, Ben. I also had that question in mind to ask if the PLC has grown to multinational yet.
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Moscow is where my mom was born, but then grew up in Taganrog (Sea of Azov). But I still have an aunt who lives in Moscow and, ironically, teaches English.
Is she aware of Comprehensive Imput hypothesis?
Not as far as I know. We’ve never talked shop.
Oh, are you saying that setting it up with Gavatar is outdated already?
I’ve been on here like over 2 years and never heard of Gavitar
I read it on Tutorial here. But that’s ok, I’m able to comment anyway.
And your Gravatar actually works bc we see your picture there! We used to have a lot of pics but no so much any more. I will ask my web guy about that as well.
Also Alexander it’s fine if you comment anywhere you like. We don’t have Facebook’s technology here, but it works for us – we’re able to be more thoughtful in our communication.
Welcome, Alex! I think you’ll find this PLC to be a hub of inspiration, best practices, and support!