Communication With Parents – John Piazza – 1

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4 thoughts on “Communication With Parents – John Piazza – 1”

  1. Oh zing. I need to do this. One of my concerns is that there is very limited ability for me to get this idea to prospective students and parents: “that it’s an option, and that all kinds of kids can succeed and have fun.” Chinese enrollment is small.
    Cool, John, I look forward to seeing more.

  2. Fantastic idea John!
    On a different note but your post made me think of it.
    One of the brain breaks I do in my classes (in English) has to do with kindness.
    Here is how it goes:
    I have the kids stand up in a circle, toss a tennis ball to a person in the class and do an act of kindness by finding something nice to say about a person. The same person cannot be picked twice so everyone gets to be told something nice about themselves, as well as say something nice to someone.
    Great way to build community and rapport among all students.
    Remember what Krashen says about the importance of feeling part of the club.
    If the students feel like they are part of the club (your language class) you will get more buy-in and better results, as well as lowering their affective filter, which is a prerequisite for language acquisition to occur.
    It works! My class is a laboratory where I experiment everyday and this brain break has been a very positive thing in my classes.

  3. Sabrina, this could turn into something very sweet for Valentine’s day – maybe you elicit more nice messages from the group now and then write them/cut them apart and then they pick them from a bowl closer to Feb 14 and choose someone to say it to in the circle…nothing romantic, just kind…or maybe this is too juvenile for high schoolers but I may try to do something with it!

  4. Hi Alisa,
    Nothing is too juvenile for high schoolers ! They may be looking like men and women but they are still kids inside. I have been debunking that myth but it took me a while.
    But great extension idea indeed!
    WHOHOO just love this blog, and the collaboration at all levels, and feel sorry I’ve been so busy and not being able to contribute more.
    But I m trying to change that.

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