Can Do Statements – 13

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10 thoughts on “Can Do Statements – 13”

  1. DO IT!

    If you feel you need to shorten it so the grown ups can understand, you could say “I can stay focused on meaning and understanding.”

    I have a variation that looks like this:

    I can listen without talking.

    I can try to understand (the story or conversation).

    I can respond (verbally or nonverbally) to show my understanding / to help the teacher be more clear

    Suerte y solidaridad 😀

    1. Hey Laura. Maybe shorter is better, but I think that would be a great idea to make a big poster with that line, “I can: stay focused on meaning and understanding the whole language so that it can skip the conscious mind and go directly into the unconscious.” I’ve noticed that it’s a hard thing to understand, this role of the unconsciousness in language acquisition, especially for students. But as I continually reference the role of the unconscious whenever the time arises to explain why we do what we do the more I see students buying into it all.

  2. “I can: stay focused on meaning and understanding the whole language so that it can skip the conscious mind and go directly into the unconscious.”

    You are right Sean. It is so difficult to understand truly, deeply how we acquire a language especially in the confines of the education system.
    To me the above statement is pure beauty, and sums up the direction I want to go in my teaching: getting rid of targets and searching for compelling.
    I am a little scared of the possibility of a battle with that as a LT. I don’t have the energy or the discourse for it.
    Thanks for responding

  3. Alisa Shapiro

    IMO the reason the bozos want ‘evidence’ and targets is to document all that BS, so I think making mention of the unconscious is, in fact, too far out. You can’t prove it so why claim it? It might really piss them off!
    “I can focus on meaning and understanding the message.” or maybe
    ‘I can attend to the meaning and demonstrate when I can/cannot comprehend the message.”

    Sorry to be a buzz kill.

  4. No I agree. The research shows something they really can’t grasp, or don’t want to. The research never stopped them in the form of book companies. As admins, the research about the Silent Period and all the rest? Who cares about that when they have a template to follow across the board in all school subjects? I agree with you Alisa. I like Laura’s attitude, though. She can defend herself. But by and large, most teachers just freak when an admin comes waltzing in with their ignorance hats on. How odd, when we are the professionals. Schools are the Land of Bullies.

  5. Its about know when to hold em and when to fold em. Heres what i would do.

    Change the statement to:
    I can focus on the meaning of the messages in the target language so as to improve my acquisition

    Your measure can be an exit ticket on comprehension: what was your favorite part of the story?

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