Assess with Compassion

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4 thoughts on “Assess with Compassion”

  1. Steve Johnson

    “I am increasing my belief in TPRS as being something that can actually exist in schools”

    Great post! I too have been enjoying the assessment thread and trying to let it soak in to my awareness of how I interact with children. This topic has been wholistic and healing for me. Claire and Ben and everyone, thanks for all the discussion. The timing of all this has been serendipitous as I decided that it was better for my health and sanity to change schools. I just couldn’t stay where language, grading and assessment are used to divide students. So, I’m going from High School to Elementary! I got a fantastic gig at my son’s school as the “specials” Spanish teacher and I look forward to continuing my journey.

    1. You are going from a daily miserable high school “Think-a-Thon” to, as Alisa could state, something resembling a “Real Language Alive-a-Thon” because CI is the only thing that can reach those little ones. Its’ going to be great Steve, I know it!

      1. Steve Johnson

        I am so grateful for this group and all of the encouragement we give each other. One day I hope to meet some of you in person. Thanks!

  2. I can’t stop re-reading this because of all the genuine, heartfelt devotion evident here. Like you consider it, as I do, an honor to help shape how a child thinks about themselves. That the “noticing” of authentic assessment is water for your Little Trees, and that’s something you clearly don’t take lightly.

    And your kids no doubt know how you feel about them too.

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