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13 thoughts on “Article and Video”
^ wow ^ Mad skillz. Caveat magister qui hoc videt– you’ll see just how far you have to go!
Thank you for posting this Bob. The one thing that I notice is that you go so slow and deliberately. You are not in a hurry at all. I have to master this. I go too fast and lose my students. You really give me a nice example to work from.
When I go too fast, it’s because I’m a) trying to fit too many activities into 1 period or b) driven by a feeling to cover more language.
When we think about the too few hours of instruction we have with our kids, there can be a misplaced sense of urgency, and we try to get more done.
These are sometimes hard feelings to shake!!
When I go too fast, it’s usually because I’m feeling pressure from the faster/louder processors to “get to the point” so to speak, but I know that I need to resist that. Just today I had to remind myself and my students (a couple of whom had just answered one question before I finished, and then another question before I had even asked it!) that we are here to learn Spanish, and we do it via stories, not vice versa. We were all excited, so no anger or blame on anyone, but the reminder was needed.
Well done Robert!
Eric, that’s why, as I dig deeper into this, I circle and expand and spin off of just one structure for as long as I can, hoping for many hundreds of reps, because the amount of reps needed in meaningful context is much more than I had any idea when I first started out exploring comprehension based instruction. But, as Bob shows us in the videos, those reps have to be slow as well. It is difficult!
And it is also hard to shake the idea that we need to “get somewhere” in class. We don’t. We just need to repeat the single target we are including in each question or statement – in ways that grip their interest – and to repeat it over and over and over until the input naturally evolves, naturally evolves, into something else, if it’s PQA, or into the next sentence in the story script, if it’s a story.
I find the reflections on why we go too fast very informative. As I learn that PQA and Asking-A-Story can serve the same purpose in the 3 step process, I’m relaxing more and slowing down more. I also notice that I might try to recreate a dialogue that happened with a previous class that day, only to force things and make them less meaningful.
Wow, fabulous. I’m bookmarking it to share with people who want to see examples of teaching with CI. Thanks, Bob.
Also – the more exact link (since they keep adding more new posts) is
Thanks for the updated link, Diane – very good catch. Now people who click on the Videos hard link above or access it through the Videos category won’t be confused.
If a dead language can be taught with comprehensible input, living ones have no excuse. After all, the old methods were made for teaching Latin and the like… If they’re not working there, what are they good for? I’m sharing this with people who need persuading! Thanks, Bob.
Worth 1,000 words!!!! Thank you, Bob!
Great videos! I always come away with the idea of slow and steady when I watch an advanced CI teacher. I think I need poster in the back of my room to remind me more. Congratulations!
Great job, Bob. Exciting to see CI explained and demonstrated in the newspaper of a respected language association in New England of all places.
Bob – thank you SO much for this!!! it has reignited my passion!