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2 thoughts on “A Breakthrough”
Thanks for the shout out Ben! I feel the most at ease this year of any year I have been teaching. It is truly thanks to this blog. The winning combo of CI and focus on mental health that I learned here has allowed me to love my job. There are parts of working in a school that truly suck, but the time I get to spend with the young people in my classroom has been wonderful.
I appreciate your words above, Carly. I remember when we did those workshops in Denver so many years ago how you embraced the new, went after it, and felt the reality and magnitude of the change that you were then embarking on. Since then here on the PLC over the years and on the phone giving me much-needed advice on the Invisibles books, your voice has been increasingly one of mentorship and clear-headedness. I know that this kind of growth is due to strength of character and devotion to the research and to what is best for you and your students and I am most grateful that you are in this group.