Eight Traps – Draft #2

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7 thoughts on “Eight Traps – Draft #2”

  1. Steven, the consensus on the blog is that anything anyone posts here is available to all blog members for their use. Giving credit is a good idea. 🙂 We should probably start putting copyright notices on things, not to keep them from people but just so others know where to give credit.

    1. Thanks, Chris. I will incorporate that in the next draft (and take out something else); I don’t want to weigh the document down with too much lest it lose its focus and readability and become just another ignored piece of paper.

  2. Great list of answers to common misunderstandings Thanks, Robert!
    I guess I am still confused as to why there is still resistance to teaching CI/TPRS methods if research and experience are demonstrating the superiority of this way to learn languages.
    Perhaps it is one of those things that is not really understood until one is one the inside, rather than looking in (with a critical eye) from the outside. I know that I was among the skeptics until I tried it myself…

    1. In another post, Eric Herman commented on something that many people have noted: human beings tend to make decisions based on emotion and then find logical grounds and research to support those beliefs. If the research does not support the belief, people will accept a certain amount of cognitive dissonance in order to maintain the belief. All of us have a number of cognitive coping mechanisms that allow us to do this. It is really no wonder that so many of the people who adopt TPRS report that it “saved my life/career/sanity”. The cognitive dissonance between what they intended to do and what they were actually accomplished had become so great that they could no longer ignore it but didn’t know of a way out.
      Our “Cognitive Biases” include (but are not limited to) Anchoring Bias (putting too much weight on information learned first), Bandwagon Effect (finding it easier to believe what more people believe than what the one or the few believe), Choice-supportive Bias (feeling good about the choice we made, even if it is flawed), Confirmation Bias (listening only to information that supports our position), Conservatism Bias (preferring older evidence over newer information or research); Selective Perception (allowing expectations to determine perception), and Zero-Risk Bias (favoring certainty – even when it is counterproductive). It’s really no wonder that people are so resistant to this “radical new sla movement”, even though it is now at least 30 years old.

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