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8 thoughts on “Andrew’s Project”

  1. The idea behind this is to make tons of short readings (1-4 paragraphs) available to our students and anyone who wants to learn a new language.

    They need to be easy (i + 1) readings that our students can do quickly on their computer or phone. Last week I was reading some of the stories on John Piazza’s site and they are awesome! Since I don’t speak hardly any Latin, I found myself struggling with even the basic stories. But the second and third time I read through them they were much easier.

    Starting on Monday I’m going to start posting some longer stories on the Spanish reading streams, but I’ll break them up by paragraph, adding a new post with an additional paragraph each day. At the end of the week the new post will have the whole story. That way someone could read a paragraph a day and five days later they could read the whole story. I think it will make it much more comprehensible.

    I also think audio is a good idea, and have been recording the stories so people can read along while they listen.

    Please email me at if you would like to manage the reading stream for a different language. This could be an awesome resource for teachers and students wanting to learn a language.

  2. Brigitte and I were talking on email and she brought up a good point. There should be an easy, efficient way to collaborate with other teachers so there is maximum return on the time (hopefully minimal) time invested.

    I had a couple of thoughts on this:
    1) Teachers who have a lot of stories written out already can just copy and paste the ones they have already created with their classes. It might be easiest to do it that way, even if the stories aren’t the same stories in every language. Kill two birds with one stone, as it were.

    2) On Monday I am adding an English tab, where I’ll translate and record the Spanish stories into English. I have stories waiting to be published about two weeks in advance, so I can make you a contributor on the site and you will be able to see the English reading stream. That way you could translate and record one a week.

    I kind of like the first idea more, as each story would be coming from a unique teacher and it would require the least amount of work from volunteers. And it’s really fun to share the stories our students make up.

    Let me know what y’all think.

    Here’s how the reading streams will get updated starting Monday:

    I write and record a short story (~4 paragraphs). I break the story into 5 different posts that get published automatically each morning. The posts build off each other and on the fifth day the whole story gets posted. It creates an opportunity for lots of repetition, the subject matter is all related, and it can be done in about 5 minutes a day.

    Monday (Paragraph 1)

    There is a house. It is a big, brown house. The house is located in Hermosa Beach, California. It is Alec Baldwin’s house. He is a famous and important actor. he lives in the house with his three brothers. Alec Baldwin is tall, a little fat, and very rich. He is so rich that he has twenty-eight houses. All of the houses are big. Alec Baldwin lives in one of the houses with his three brothers.

    Tuesday (Paragraph 2)

    Alec Baldwin always walks. He likes to walk. He is always walking romantically on the beach. When he is with a girl he walks romantically. When he is alone he walks romantically. He likes to walk like that.

    Wednesday (Paragraph 3)

    One day, Alec Baldwin is in Hermosa Beach, California. He is walking romantically on the beach. He is wearing a small backpack. While he is walking on the beach he sees a friend. Alec Baldwin’s friend is named Fabio. He is walking romantically too. Fabio is tall and handsome. He has long, blond hair. But most importantly, Fabio is romantic.

    Thursday (Paragraph 4)

    Alec Baldwin is jealous because Fabio is walking more romantically than he is. He says to Fabio, “Hi, Fabio. I know that you are tall and handsome, but I am more romantic than you.”

    “That is impossible,” says Fabio. “I am the most romantic man on the beach.”

    Now Alec Baldwin is angry. The two men start to fight. Alec Baldwin takes a big machete from his small backpack. Alec Baldwin cuts off Fabio’s long, blond hair.

    Friday (Whole Story)

    There is a house. It is a big, brown house. The house is located in Hermosa Beach, California. It is Alec Baldwin’s house. He is a famous and important actor. he lives in the house with his three brothers. Alec Baldwin is tall, a little fat, and very rich. He is so rich that he has twenty-eight houses. All of the houses are big. Alec Baldwin lives in one of the houses with his three brothers.

    Alec Baldwin always walks. He likes to walk. He is always walking romantically on the beach. When he is with a girl he walks romantically. When he is alone he walks romantically. He likes to walk like that.

    One day, Alec Baldwin is in Hermosa Beach, California. He is walking romantically on the beach. He is wearing a small backpack. While he is walking on the beach he sees a friend. Alec Baldwin’s friend is named Fabio. He is walking romantically too. Fabio is tall and handsome. He has long, blond hair. But most importantly, Fabio is romantic.

    Alec Baldwin is jealous because Fabio is walking more romantically than he is. He says to Fabio, “Hi, Fabio. I know that you are tall and handsome, but I am more romantic than you.”

    “That is impossible,” says Fabio. “I am the most romantic man on the beach.”

    Now Alec Baldwin is angry. The two men start to fight. Alec Baldwin takes a big machete from his small backpack. Alec Baldwin cuts off Fabio’s long, blond hair.


    Thank you Andrew! I would love to add stories. Here is my question (which reveals my ignorance and age…ahem!). How do I record and share the stories? For the written piece I assume I just copy and paste and send it to you via email??? How does the audio file work? I have a macbook FYI? This is something I have wanted to do for my classes anyway, but have never taken the time to learn how to use the audio stuff. 🙂

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