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9 thoughts on “Writing Template 2 – kWT”
I’d love to see current pictures of your walls. My space is precious but my kids don’t have anything but interrogatives to look at.
Not complex. I don’t have my own classroom either. This:
but it really isn’t necessary to meet the goal of written communication. It’s for the four percenters. And these:
Word Wall containing about 60 verbs, 3rd p/sing forms
Really that’s it. Plus the question words.
I’d love to hear what others think about kWT. I haven’t used either template, so my comments will only be theoretical, but I abhor having students peer edit each other’s papers for accuracy. I’ve tried it before, and they’re not always accurate and don’t leave people feeling good. I’d much rather have kids work together, compare writings, and then add details that someone else wrote to their own paper to make it stronger. And to be consistent with CI, I’d rather take some good writings, retype them correctly, and then project them to have a discussion (maybe a quiz?) the next day. kWT seems a lot less CI than bWT. I’d love to hear what others think.
Thanks for this dori bc Diana really got on my case about this today. I haven’t tried CI yet and won’t get a chance until after the break, so this is good to know. By the way, we in DPS do this kind of thing all the time, so it’s normal. I’ve never been in a situation where we can argue heartily and end up caring about each other more. It’s unique, that’s for sure. It’s what Michael Fullan is all about and we have it.
I have a document reader that is difficult to work with. I took an image from the cartoon movietalk we did last week and projected that on the screen. One of my strong kids wrote her story on a transparency that I was able to project. I kind of messed up the order of your step by step. I had to lead them into the story by asking some Rand D questions, but I did get quality reps and you are right – it is a bone to the kids who love to take notes – some of them, I am sure, are feeling that they are finally doing something “academic” uh, hum, important, in class!
…I kind of messed up the order of your step by step….
Carol there is no definitive form to any of these templates. As everything is on this site, they are merly suggestions. I like them bc they are about process and not lesson planning. How freeing that is bc when I come back after break without having planned a single thing, grabbing instead a printed copy of bWT or kWT and just starting in after the break with the kids writing about an image, I am free to focus on what counts in life, which is certainly not my job. We were meant to enjoy our work and not fret about it, as I see it. Transforming teaching to process/working from templates and leaving the old realm of planning lessons and activities has marked the period of greatest professional growth in my career. All I have to do is come in in January, look at (probably) bWT, give the kids an image to write about for the first part of class while I sip on a cup of coffee and thank God for another day, and think about how much I can praise them in an honest way that day. There, second semester planning done!
I found this link to common verbs in Spanish. It has a nice variety. Can others look at it and let me know if you think it is good for a verb wall to aid writing? Any missing, any unnecessary, etc.? I haven’t gotten the chance to buy the frequency dictionary.
Your link is almost word for word from the frequency dictionary (haber – 2nd most frequent) is the only one missing, presumably because it is mainly used as an auxilliary verb.
Interesting dialogue here. You’ve captured here, Ben, one thing I often find myself instinctively wanting to transplant from my English teaching experience: peer writing groups.
Whereas student responses from of our PQA and Story-Asking sessions are more immediate, spontaneous reactions, this bWT allows for students to think and write before sharing to the class.
Then, with kWT, students are actually Pair-Share-Editing. Ok! I have to consider what doriv says above, though, about students getting frustrated with each others’ writing. Perhaps we need make be sure that our students are producing some quality writing first, through free-writes or bWT, before we ask them to Peer-Share-Edit a la kWT.
Finally, I imagine you’re suggesting that students are creating a 2nd draft of their writing after they get all this feedback from their peers.