Scope and Sequence 19 – Robert Harrell

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10 thoughts on “Scope and Sequence 19 – Robert Harrell”

      1. Oops – I was right the first time. What I should have done is capitalize “Presentational”. I should probably re-word that section to clear up any ambiguity.
        What I wanted to say is that students write for the Interpersonal and Interpretive Modes even in level 1. They do NOT do Presentational Writing until late in the sequence because that is output, and they need lots, lots, lots of input before they are ready for Presentational output.

        1. That’s what I thought was meant. I think it’s a take on the 3 modes that is important to express. “Communicative” teaching assumes that Presentational Communication begins on Day 1 just like everything. Sigh.

      2. Okay, here’s a re-write of the paragraph. How does it look?
        As far as writing is concerned, delaying Written Presentational Communication as an emphasis does, in fact, mean that students in years 1 and 2 (and most of 3) do no Presentational writing. That does not, however, mean that they do no writing whatsoever. Writing is a part of both Interpersonal and Interpretive Communication. As practiced by many deliverers of instructional services, unfortunately, students are asked to “present” in writing before they have acquired the tools to do so. According to ACTFL, Novice writing is primarily copying, so – for example – my first-year students begin writing by taking dictations of texts they have heard, seen and discussed; students then “correct” their dictations by copying the text and comparing the two versions. We will take a very short amount of time to see what systemic errors appear. Most of the time the students have simply applied English writing conventions to their German dictation. What important information does this provide? It is a reminder to me that I need to spell words out loud in German as I write them on the board because students need more exposure to the sound representational system of the language (i.e. they need to see the letter combinations and hear the sounds they make). It’s about greater exposure to the whole language, not forced output.

        1. Sounds great. I really like using ACTFL standards to tell people who respect ACTFL that Presentational Communication isn’t appropriate for novice learners, too.

    1. It wanted to join the party in September, a victim of my juggling so many articles around in the queue from so many people. I went out and found it and put it back in line, so that it is in the right place. I will point this out to the group’s attention.

  1. “Writing is a part of both Interpersonal and Interpretive Communication”
    Robert, does this mean that you consider a dictation as Interpersonal and Interpretive Communication? If not, what kind of writing would be considered as both? If I were to oversimplify, I would say that there is very little writing involved in Interpersonal and more writing done in Interpersonal, even if the writing is just answer t/f questions of a written text.

    1. To answer your specific question, Sean: No, I do not consider dictation as both Interpersonal and Interpretive. It is Interpretive because the students do not have the opportunity to clarify meaning. (One of the strictures of dictation is that students maintain absolute silence.) I am using the Presentational Mode, and students are using the Interpretive Mode. When I wrote that sentence, I was using “Writing” in a general sense, not with the idea that a specific piece of writing is both. One piece of writing or speaking may be Interpretive while another is Interpersonal.
      If a couple of friends and I were texting or IMing or e-mailing about a book that we had all read, the texts/IMs/E-mails would be Interpersonal Writing because we have the opportunity to interact and ask for clarification. The book that we read would be, from our point of view, Interpretive Communication because we did not have the opportunity to interact with the author and negotiate meaning. If we were discussing a film or a TED talk, our texts etc. would still be Interpersonal, but the Interpretive Communication would have been via the audiovisual channel; if we had listened to a CD of a lecture, that would have been via the audio channel. It is not the channel (speaking, listening, reading, writing) or some combination thereof per se that makes something Presentational, Interpretive, or Interpersonal but the communicative setting and the opportunity (or lack thereof) for interaction that clarifies and negotiates meaning, as well as the viewpoint of the participant.

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