Stretching the Facts

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3 thoughts on “Stretching the Facts”

  1. Breaking down this program in this way is not intended as an attack on this program. I am raising questions. The video reveals the hypocrisy of many schools’ claims – not just this one in NJ – to do CI but if the video is any indication, clearly don’t. I may lack tact in my choice of wording above, but I just don’t know how to say it otherwise. This video shows the way we used to teach in the last century. If they are doing CI in that video, I didn’t see any. I saw bored privileged kids doing worksheets. They don’t look like Ci trained kids at all!

  2. Jen there is a silver lining here, and it’s not the extra 40 minutes in a car per day. It’s that if these people are serious about what they say, that they really strive (their word) to do comprehensible input in their classes, then you, being trained in both CI and and traditional, could train them. Before calling that supe, however, I would certainly talk to members of that team, the teachers in that video. Supes are trained to find the best teachers. But do you really want to accept a job before knowing what these people are really about? The question to ask is if they mean it, or are just using buzz words to impress? Bless their hearts, but the video is very revealing. I have my reservations, based on that video, which says one thing but reveals quite another….

  3. Back more than fifteen years ago I used to write stuff like this and really get blasted. It’s why we went private. But if anyone wants to blast me for my comments above, please do so. No change without some yelling. This is my point of view above. I may be wrong. But somebody has got to get a dialogue going. I believe that teachers should be able to teach as they wish, but not at the expense of children. Teachers should not say that they speak the TL 90% of the time in the classroom and not do it. They should not imply that they do CI. Notice the word they use in the video – they strive to do CI. It’s a little confusing. Like they know they don’t really do it. Not with all those worksheets!

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