Hit it Out of the Park

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3 thoughts on “Hit it Out of the Park”

  1. I don’t think our students necessarily want to feel important. They want to feel listened to for certain. They want to contribute. They seem confidence in their abilities. The important person is an ego thing. It is competitive (individualistic). If you are building community that is definitely about heart and equal voices (tribal).

    So we in our tribal community have a lesson in teaching people about community. It involves the image of a wagon wheel or bike wheel in your case. The hub, in this case the shared class success in learning, is at the center. We only succeed when all succeed. Hence a barometer student or two that we all encourage, classroom student tutors, and of course meaningful jobs for all. We are all the spokes of the wheel. We each have a responsibility as a spoke to do our part. Our behavior towards one another is the band that holds the spokes in place. The whole is valued more than the parts.

    That behavior comes from your classroom agreements. It comes from a place of compassion for each member. And while your role is to be teacher, you are only a spoke. Maybe you can have the playing card with the clothespin on it (cause you make the most noise) but reality is you are only a spoke in the class success not the hub.

    When you model equality in your classroom, competition has a rare place for a time set aside focused on it for only playing. We aren’t competing for attention. The challenge of who is in charge doesn’t exist as much because we are all responsible. Now that is pie in the sky and has to be built to work. They don’t come wired that way. Our society in these in un-United States is not functioning in a tribal way but a competitive model and therefore it follows that “some pigs are better than others” to quote Animal Farm.

      1. Kate said:

        …our society … is not functioning in a tribal way but a competitive model….

        We are just becoming aware of this, and it is going to be amazing now, as people begin to live the new (really ancient) model.

        It makes me so deeply happy and grateful to know that everyone in language education who is not at least eyeballing the tribal model is going down. I am so tired of the TPRS/CI “experts” out there using the internet to sell their shitty products. They are aggressive and hurt people with their shitty products.

        Time to wake up. Everyone look what’s going down, as per:


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